Ace International Tutoring 
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Perfection By Means Of Excellence

" Whatever your discipline, become a student of excellence in all things. Take every opportunity to observe people who manifest the qualities of mastery. These models of excellence will inspire you and guide you toward the fulfillment of your highest potential "


This statement has seen the light following a really amazing and continuous journey where I have been gaining friendships with my students and building excellence through our common goals and cooperation. To be involved with so many diverse individuals has been really joyous and has provided me and all my students with a great sense of achievement. It is really rewarding to see how one's expertise and knowledge are sought after and appreciated


Some Student/Parent testimonials and opinions - many thanks for the emails and messages. The following are some extracts.

Company History:

After completing the International Baccalaureate in 1998, Pierre Elias went on studying a Bachelor of Double Science degree at La Trobe University, Bundoora campus and completed it in 2003 majoring in Chemistry and Genetics.

The higher education pursuit didn't stop there: he realized his enthusiasm for helping students of all levels to achieve their best potential, and this made him pursue a degree in education which he obtained in 2005 at the University of Melbourne.
Then the masters' degree in Genetics followed in 2006 and the PhD qualification was recently acquired.

Throughout his academic career, Pierre tutored students of all levels and accomplished outstanding results which made him establish his own tutoring company.

Dr Pierre Elias believes many can be good tutors but very few can become great educators.
His success comes as a result of various experiences from diverse and global educational practices.
Recently, a tutoring work experience to Europe, Asia and the United States has expanded the company's international expertise and its distinct tuition capabilities.

Now Ace International Tutoring Pty. Ltd. offers tuition in all subjects to education levels ranging from year 8 to VCE to TAFE and university levels.

The company is also proud to be one of Australia's leading French language tuition specialists.

Extra notes/exercises and constant feedback are always implemented.


- Double Science degree
- Postgraduate Diploma in Education Degree
- Masters Degree
- PhD
- Member of the Australian Tutoring Association:
- Proud member of The International High IQ Society

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